School of Architecture and Civil Engineering

University of Wuppertal

Teaching and research area Statics | Dynamics of Structures | Load Bearing Structure Design

Structures such as trusses, frames, arches, plates, panes, shells and cable nets are important elements in building and bridge construction. Calculation methods are required from the design to the implementation planning in order to determine the stresses on the components, to analyze the load-bearing behavior and ultimately to plan safe and resource-saving structures. For many supporting structures, a static analysis is not sufficient, but the dynamics of the supporting structures are an important aspect, such as in earthquakes, wind and human-induced vibrations and shocks. Meaningful and resource-saving supporting structures are only possible if future architects and civil engineers can understand their load-bearing behavior and use them correctly. The calculation software available today requires an in-depth understanding of the calculation methods and methods for checking plausibility. The classic methods of structural analysis, such as the force and displacement methods, help with this. The team in the teaching and research area teaches the basics of structural theory and a variety of methods for calculating supporting structures.



Bergische Universität Wuppertal
Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering

Teaching and research area
Statics and Dynamics of Structures                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Load Bearing Structure Design 

Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. A. Goldack

Pauluskirchstraße 7
42285 Wuppertal
Tel.: +49 202 439 - 4249
Fax: +49 202 439 - 4078
E-Mail: statik[at]